GHOSTS II, Ghosts, Thought-Forms and the Dead
It’s time to explain why ghosts are different from the dead, as I promised in the Ghost I post. The dead are the whole self, the entire personality, what I will be calling the core personality in this post. Ghosts, on the other hand, are only a portion of the core personality. Yet they are created by the core personality. In order to understand what a ghost is, we have to understand a little about how thought works because ghosts are powerful thought-forms.
Your thoughts, especially habitual ones, don’t necessarily dissipate after you have them. If you continually produce thoughts, consciously or unconsciously, that are alike in nature, these like thoughts will coalesce into thought-forms, which can sometimes be so strong they can be perceived. Thought-forms create electromagnetic imprints. When psychic energy is high, it thickens the electromagnetic field to a point where it becomes a little like a screen on which the typically invisible, such as thought-forms, becomes visible. Similarly, laboratory experiments have shown that certain people can deliberately impress thoughts and images on tapes, unprocessed film and the like. The imprints are impressed by strong bursts of concentrated energy. I have actually watched the creation of thought-forms occurring in mid-air. They are also carried in a person’s energy field or aura, recognizable to others usually just below the surface of conscious awareness. It is these that professional psychics mine for information on their clients.
Thoughts of any nature live and grow. They resonate with other thoughts in the ether-spheres of mental activity, often amassing into thought-forms. They not only continue to survive and grow after we think them, they go on to develop a kind of consciousness of their own. Mass consciousness is the result of like thoughts and beliefs aggregating with other like thoughts and beliefs on a global or national scale.The common perception of evil as an entity in its own right is the same thing, an aggregation of like thoughts, beliefs and emotion that seem to be independent of human mental activity. Evil is a by-product of human thought. Conversely, prayerful thoughts or good intentions also aggregate and can effect healing, lower crime rates and the like (all of which is documented), often working through their influence on mass consciousness.
The more powerful a thought is, the more repetitive and the more emotional, the more it will develop independently of the thinker and the stronger it will be. Obsessive-compulsive thoughts which are always powered by strong emotion create dense thought-forms. This type of thought-form could be regarded as a gestalt. As described in the previous Ghost post (Ghosts I), ghosts are such gestalts. They are consciously alive composites of obsessive-compulsive thought and concentrated emotional energy. Because of their intensity, they are frequently perceptible to others under certain atmospheric and psychological conditions.Ghosts can be so power-packed that they affect the atmosphere, resulting in phenomena like the well-known column of cold air. Such inexplicable cold spots are sometimes the only perceptible indications of a spectral presence. Ghosts can also affect matter, although this is an exception. I’ve worked with ghosts that raised beds, slammed doors, turned lights on and off and more!
We routinely shed thought-forms, especially those that are damaging to the core personality. Thought-forms created by obsessiveness are energy draining and destructive to the core personality. They are often so entrenched that it takes a great deal of energy to shed them. The core personality usually sloughs off these stubborn thought-forms at a critical turning point in a person’s life, when a high do-or-die kind of energy is available. This turning point is often sometime near death. However, I have seen many ghosts of people who are still alive. Typically they shed this gestalt during times of deep stress, hence the negative quality so often associated with ghosts. Quite frequently people with deregulated consciousness, such as Alzheimer’s also shed them. The core personality splits from this gestalt in an attempt to heal itself, to redirect itself onto a more constructive life path. Still the ghost survives as an independent entity.
As we get further along in this series, I will tell you about some experiences I’ve had with liberating ghosts. Personally I don’t like the term “ghost-busting” because it implies annihilation. Ghosts can be extraordinarily developed. I therefore give them the same respect and care I would give to people, alive or dead.