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  1. Kimberlee
    2019-01-14 @ 6:23 AM

    I some how ended up here
    I have lost my daughter to drug over dose she had 3 wonderful children
    I was not there for my daughter in her older years due to how she was living I feel so response able for her departure I just want her to know I love her so much and miss her so much and I’m so sorry
    I need to know she is ok
    But how I pray all the time I talk to her but I don’t get any signs
    What do I do?

    • Julia Assante
      2019-01-24 @ 2:55 PM

      Dear Kimberlee, You can have contact with her, believe me. Stop praying and go into active communication. You have to use your strongest emotion because it is that which will build the bridge between the two of you. Look at the tips posted at the bottom of my homepage for starters. If you need more, I devoted several chapters to afterlife communication in my book, The Last Frontier. YOU CAN DO IT!!! It’s never too late. Warmly, Julia

  2. Dominique Radcliffe
    2019-05-01 @ 3:47 PM

    I lost my daughter Lama in February of this year. Due to complications from her diabetes. I’m so lost on how to continue without her she was my purpose in life. I hurt so much because I feel she is alone without me and that I wasn’t at my best for her when she needed me to I was in mommy mode that has to fix her illness instead of mommy mode that was suppose to hold her and live her and listen to her. I feel like if I listened she would still be here with me.

    • Julia Assante
      2019-05-19 @ 10:45 AM

      Dominique, every parent who has lost a child believes they could have done SOMETHING to keep their child alive. I you make the effort to contact her, you will find that she is in great shape, far better than you are, and certainly NOT alone. Look at the bottom of my homepage for tips on how to communicate with her. Let me know what happens. Julia

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