Scientific Experiments Proving Life after Death
Julia Assante, PhD
Julia Assante, PhD developed the Percy Project to show that the presence of the deceased can be technologically located in a series of replicable trials. Furthermore, the intensity of the energy presence can be measured and quantified. Such research offers a new, more science-oriented methodology that serves to prove the survival of consciousness after the body’s demise. With the use of a little-known device, the energy of the visiting deceased can be temporarily localized in spacetime. Assante has nicknamed this device Percy.
Classical survival research relies on mediums transmitting information to sitters who can or cannot verify the information given. Such a methodology is problematic because mediums can and do obtain information about the deceased telepathically from their sitters, intentionally or not, without communicating at all with the deceased. In the Percy experiments, there are no sitters. The mediums are engaged with the deceased directly and alone.
THE PERCY DEVICE was invented by scientists, built with space technology, in the Kremlin Clinic in Moscow during the Cold War. It was used to monitor the health of cosmonauts returning to earth with various unknown physical problems. More specifically, the Percy device is embedded with a plasma sensor that measures the intensity of plasma emissions of human auras generated by the body. (See Videos 1 and 2)
Percy measures plasma emissions in two ways: first by colors and second by sound. If there are no plasma emissions within its range, it produces a low sound and a green light. As soon as it is brought within the reach of plasma emissions, such as the outer boundaries of the human aura, which normally extend 30 to 50 cm from the body, its sound and its two lights change. The two green lights change to green and yellow at the lowest intensity of the emission, and the sound begins to rise in volume and pitch. Green/yellow would be expected for a small house plant at close range, a human at 30 to 50 cm, or an extremely ill person at close range. As the device is brought closer to the source of plasma emissions, the sound continues to increase in volume and pitch. The lights change according to the intensity of the emission from green/yellow to yellow/yellow, from yellow/yellow to yellow/orange, from yellow/orange to orange/orange, from orange/orange to orange/red, and finally, from orange/red to red/red, the highest level of intensity.
Red would be directly within the plasma emission of a fully open chakra, no further away from the chakra than one to two cm. (See Video 1 and 4) During the project’s trials, we were sometimes only a cm away from the deceased’s most concentrated plasma field, meaning the deceased themselves. The sound at the red level is akin to the sound of a siren.
The arriving deceased of ten trials registered from yellow/yellow to orange/red. As you can see in Videos 2 and 6. Finding the source of the deceased’s plasma emissions is sensitive work. The only surviving consciousness in the Percy Project to register red/red was Dr. Prof. Peter Hutchinson, who died in 1975. This was Trial Ten (See Video 4), which occurred spontaneously at 1:25 AM.
The Percy Project team included three mediums and one control, as well as a tech team, almost all Dr. Assante’s former students. Trained in mediumship, they understood the process from the inside. They were also used to working one-to-one or in groups. More importantly, they were non-competitive. All participants took the survival of consciousness as fact. These aspects greatly contributed to the project’s more than hoped for success.
Another breakthrough in this study is the investigation of waves sent by the deceased. Many people physically experience waves of energy without realizing their significance. Waves are powerful tools used by the disembodied for communication. They carry enormous amounts of information encapsulated in emotion-laden codes. Waves are physically experienced, often felt as a tingling force that sweeps down from above and moves through the body, usually causing goosebumps. All trials included waves, whether mild or strong (See Video 3).
Professionally, waves frequently arise before beginning afterlife communication with a client. Clients not resistant to such phenomena feel the waves when the medium does, even if they are located on the other side of the earth. Waves are nonlocal.
The high number of arrivals was far more than expected. In the first ten trials, 13 deceased, including a dog, were technologically detected. Percy performed with a 100 percent success. During trial 11, a woman’s startlingly loud and clear voice interrupted the interview with Dr. Richard Blasband (d. 2019), who had been asked to answer specific questions about energies. All participants assumed her voice emanated from a cellphone in the room. Later, the woman who spoke came back to reveal her name. It is Inge Blasband, who had died two decades before her husband Richard. In addition to Percy’s initial findings, the mediums perceived fourteen more discarnates during the trials. Together, a total of 27 surviving personalities arrived within two and a half days.
…included strong emotion, also for the mediums, and many included strong need. In fact, over 70 percent of the 27 deceased required rescue work. However, three of the deceased arrived to help specific participants among the tech team, the mediums, and the control.
Three interviews were conducted for research purposes. The purpose of the first interview of Trial Seven, with Michael Di’ Simone (d. 1998) explained emotional energy and how it boosts afterlife communication. Emotional energy should not be confused with emotionalism. It uses emotion as a high-charged language, which promotes clear information flow. In a later trial, Peter Hutchinson delivered information about waves, about changes in human perception in the future, about the interactions of parallel universes, and about various types of energy, especially about what he called base energy from which all physical creation springs. Dr. Blasband spoke about the role of orgone energy in the creation of matter.
The Percy Project is perhaps the most effective way of testing the survival of consciousness after death. It is replicable research based on technology. The data it produces are immediate and precise. Dr. Assante hopes to find more support for continuing the investigation of one of the world’s most urgent questions: “Is there life after death?”.
Although the Percy Project was preliminary research and unable to fully answer how the deceased emerge into our system, it provokes questions concerning this phenomenon and offers new directions for study.
The project did accomplish a few essential things:
The deceased are reliably cooperative and willing to participate in research.
Waves occur as chief vehicles for communication between this life and the life to come.
Waves send important emotional and non-emotional information from one dimension to another.
Waves can be measured for their intensity using skin conductivity sensors.
Waves act nonlocally and locally.
Experimental research for all the above is replicable and quantifiable.
The deceased can be technologically identified as distinct presences within our physical reality.
The intensity of their presence is measurable.
The nonlocality of the deceased can be temporarily localized.
The surviving consciousness interacts with us, informs us, and is responsive to us.
With better funding and controlled laboratory conditions, with instruments such as sensitive biofeedback machines, and with many more trials, research of this type could well lead to incontrovertible proof of the survival of consciousness after permanent physical death.
The videos below are examples of how Percy works.
Video 1: Day One, Trial One, Part I
Gernot uses Percy to measure the auras and chakras of the mediums before a trial begins.
Video 2: Day One, Trial One Part II
Gernot uses Percy to search the room and locate our first energy presence.
Video 3: Day One, Trial Two
All three mediums experience a succession of extremely strong and highly emotional waves.
Video 4: Day Three at 1:20 a.m.
In Gernot’s apartment at 1:20 a.m., an exhausted Julia uses Percy to locate a deceased man named Peter. Peter’s presence registered red/red and was the strongest presence registered during the Percy Project experiments. We were working in an ideal sidereal time period, which undoubtedly made conditions better for interdimensional activity. Another reason was that the psychological atmosphere was quieter. All other experiments of the Percy Project took place during the day, when sidereal time was working against us and the psychological atmosphere was less harmonious.
Video 5: Day Three, Trial Ten
Before beginning Trial Ten, at 1:35 p.m. Gernot and Susanna use Percy to show that “there is nothing there, nothing at all.” The room in Gernot’s apartment was clean of any unseen plasma emissions at the start of the trial.
Video 6: Day Three, Trial Ten
Shortly after 1:35 p.m., Peter’s presence begins to build, rising to orange/red. Although the sidereal time was unfavorable, the psychological and physical atmosphere of Gernot’s apartment was better than the seminar room’s atmosphere.