Each person is born with a spiritual and biological faith that is personal, intimate, and optimistic. Real faith springs from innate awareness of our connectedness with all living beings, with nature and with All That Is. It requires only that we retrieve that child part in each of us that knows the universe is good. Not good and evil, not even good and bad. Just good. It is knowing that every consciousness is uniquely meaningful and charged with purpose. That survival beyond the body is the only possible outcome. That the afterworld is not about judgment and condemnation. That All That Is is so all-encompassing, so unfathomably compassionate, that even forgiveness is dwarfed into insignificance. This faith is what people who have returned from near-death states bring back with them. For the dead, it is the ever-present state of grace in which they dwell.

The Last Frontier

Is the first critical exploration of that vast, uncharted, simply out-of-this-world terrain we enter at death. It draws from consciousness research, physics, parapsychology and quantum biology, from studies in Near Death Experiences and Nearing Death Awareness, from the records of therapists, medical personnel and bereavement counselors, and from accounts of communication with the dead. Its main aim is the release from the fear of death. The author also calls for serious further study of the true nature of the afterlife and the normalization of afterdeath communication. For more about the book, click here.


Scientific Experiments Proving Life after Death

Julia Assante, PhD

Current Events

Here you’ll find an overview of upcoming events with Dr. Julia Assante, including lectures, online seminars, and interactive sessions focused on consciousness research, after-death communication, and the continuation of life beyond the physical body.
You’ll also find a link to the regularly held meditation evenings, which offer space for deep inner exploration and the study of altered states of consciousness.

Words from Others


“The entire course is very structured. The individual contents of discussions as well as exercises are also supported by corresponding themes and explanations based on our current state of science.
With this, FAITH is gradually being replaced by KNOWLEDGE.
In addition to the exciting topics, the scientific aspect of the course is an essential reason for me to continue.”


“The main reason why I attended this seminar (thanks to Gernot) was because I wanted to learn how to get in touch with the dead.
Julia taught me this and much more that I did not expect.
My horizons in seeing and understanding – be it of humans or animals – have expanded enormously.
Thank you dear Julia. I recommend you from the bottom of my heart.”

Karin O.:

“Dear Julia, I would like to thank you again for the wonderful time I had with you.
It was deeply moving, exciting, horizon-broadening, joyful, life-changing and an enormous boost for my self-confidence.
I feel that I have arrived at what I have been looking for for a long time.”


“This year of training with Julia has led to a profound development in my life.
The intensive practice work and training, the imparting of well-founded scientific background information and the resulting deep engagement with myself have allowed me to grow incredibly.
Thank you dear Julia for your professionalism, your loving care for each of us and your fascinating skills, which amaze me every time.”


“Julia’s Mediumship I deals, so to speak, ‘across the board’ with different techniques and the endless possible uses of mediumship.
She tries to ‘loosen up’ our linear worldview for us to achieve a greater understanding of the otherworldly world and its manifestations.
I already had a bit of experience through courses in England at Arthur Findlay College (for healing work and mediumship).
However, I have found that Julia’s teaching goes far beyond what was taught there.
I find her combination of a lot of theory and just as much medial practice very effective.
My inner resistance to getting involved in mediumistic perception has practically disappeared and I also practice a lot more at home than before.”

“After the first courses, I finally recognized the structure and content that I could apply to my own work – something I had been looking for for a long time.
My courage to be more expressive about my own work has also increased significantly.”

“Julia’s honest concern to make good mediums out of us all is noticeable again and again in the course, and she supports us with full commitment.
Mediumship I is highly recommended – not only for those who want to work in this field, but also for everyone who believes that life does not end with death.”

Michaela M.:

“I always looked forward to the upcoming seminar weekends. Julia, you structured the seminars so well and made them easy to understand.
It was always exciting to see what comes next.
I particularly appreciated the practice exercises. It was easy to get into ‘seeing’.
I developed so much in the course of the training.
I also really appreciated the participants in our seminar, who worked and learned together in a friendly and loving manner.
We grew together and friendships developed.”
